The user can interact with the chessboard using the keyboard, clicking chessboard squares (hovering the mouse on each square displays an help summary) or using touch gestures.
A search tool allows searching within the PGN games.
Errors alert messages are logged, such as failures to load PGN games, incorrect PGN games or incorrect FEN strings. When an error is encountered, a chessboard square will flash to signal the exception. The error alert log can be reviewed clicking on the flashing chessboard square.
See the pgn4web wiki for more information. Please note, the wiki information always refers to the latest version of pgn4web.
The user can interact with the chessboard using the keyboard. See the pgn4web wiki for more information. Most commonly used shortcut keys:
The user can interact with the chessboard clicking chessboard squares:
Access the search tool either directly with the search form (if available on the web page) or via the popup search box invoked with the 's' shortcut key and/or the associated shortcut squares.
For full details about the search tool (implemented as regular expression match of the text of the PGN game), please refer to the pgn4web wiki; please find below a sample list of useful search patterns:
Chess annotations symbols as defined by the Chess Informant publishing company:
Technical note: Chess Informant symbols display requires a modern browser supporting web fonts, otherwise the game notation might result garbled.